Frizington Community Primary School

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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Planning for the re-opening of School

Planning for the re-opening of School

14 May 2020 (by admin)

We are in the very early planning and evaluation stage of the possible re-opening of our School.  We are still awaiting further information from the Government and Cumbria County Council which has been promised to us by the end of this week.  The amount of work that needs to go in to this means that it will be very unlikely that we will be opening up our school to all the year groups that the Government have indicated on the 1st of June as we want to make sure we have everything in place.  In order for us to do that I need help from parents, we need to consider your feelings and concerns in the planning.  I need to organise adequate staffing and need to know how many of you will be sending your children to School when it reopens.  

Could you please complete the survey for me by midday on Monday if your child is:

*In Rec, Y1 or Y6

Or is a child in another year group who:

*Is a vulnerable child - has a social worker

*has an Education Health Care Plan

*If you are a "key worker" with nobody else at home for childcare.

If you have more than one child who falls in to the categories given, please complete individual questionnaires.  It would also be really useful if we have either the child's name or the parent's name.

I understand how difficult a decision this is for all of you and please be assured that School will not reopen until we are satisfied that we have everything in place that we possibly can to protect our staff and pupils.  I will continue to update you throughout the process and if and when I have further information.

 Thanks again for all your continued support. 

Stay Safe

Mrs Rose