Frizington Community Primary School

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Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

Parent Information


Parent Communication


Jotter is our primary means of communication with parents/carers.  In addition to sending out notices, news and newsletters to the whole School and classes, we are also able to use the Jotter to communicate personally and privately with individuals.  Again, this is how we will be contacting parents.  It is essential that you have a username and password for the Jotter messaging app.  This is accessed with a user name and password which parents have been given - however, if you need this re-sent or have any other queries, please email  Please make sure that the padlock at the top of the page is unlocked - this is how you know you can receive and send private/individual messages.

When the children move classes/year groups, please make sure that you have the push notification on for your child’s current class, as this could be different from the previous year. Please make sure you select all the categories that link to your child, e.g. if your child is in Year 4, select Year 4, Year 3/4, Key Stage 2 and Whole School. This makes it easier for us to send information to relevant groups.

For new parents, you can download the app for both android and Apple. For this service, you do not need a password/user name and anyone in your family can access it. There is a step by step guide below.


Facebook is a fantastic way for us to show and celebrate with all our families the amazing work and events of the School. We are also extremely grateful that our parents respect this and that it is not misused.  When we share pictures on Facebook, we never use children's names and this is a reminder for parents not to do so either please. If any family members comment with names, it would be helpful if parents/carers could contact them to remove the name as School does not constantly monitor the pages.

Jotter Messages