September Reopening3 July 2020 (by admin) |
Dear Parents
As I am sure you are aware, the Government made their announcement for their plans on the return of schools in the autumn term.
We are pleased with the sensible approach that has been taken and the main principles are:
- Engagement with test and trace programme and clear policy if a child/staff member becomes symptomatic or there is a confirmed case in School;
- Identify any gaps in learning and re-establish good progress in reading, writing and maths – a package of financial support is promised;
- Statutory assessments to resume in 2020/2021;
- Attendance is compulsory from September;
- Desks will need to be forward facing:
- No expectation of social distancing for Early Years pupils (Reception);
- Continuing with good hand and respiratory hygiene;
- Staggered start and finish times, break times and lunch times;
- No non-essential visitors in School (including parents);
- “Bubbles” of pupils (class size) which do not mix with others and have consistent staff;
- Enhanced cleaning;
- School kitchens will re-open;
- School uniform will be expected and there will be no requirement for clean uniform daily as there is currently.
More detailed information for parents can be found here or by looking on Parent Information/Covid-19 Information on our website.
We are already complying with many of the recommendations and proportionate control measures from the Government with the pupils that are currently in School and have already established good routines - however, some of the recommendations do pose problems for our School:
- Our plan for September was to have 3 smaller classes in KS1 in the mornings (Rec, Y1, Y2) for Phonics, English and Maths and then two classes in the afternoon (Mixed R/Y1 and Y1/2) as we have done this year. The current guidance is not specific about sizes of “bubbles” and we are seeking clarification as to whether we can continue with this plan. This is also important for our phonics teaching.
- One of our classrooms is too small to facilitate desks in the manner needed and therefore we are in the process of renovating the CDC in to a new classroom and hopefully this will be ready for September.
- Breakfast Club and After-School – we are unsure if we are going to be able to facilitate this, again dependent on clarification, due to the stipulation of “bubbles” avoiding contact.
As I am sure that you will appreciate, due to these “unknowns,” unfortunately at the moment we are unable to share the class structures and classroom designations for September but rest assured that we are working hard to resolve any issues and plan the best way possible for the full reopening of the school.
Any further questions please email me:
Thank you all for your continued support during this difficult time.
Mrs Rose