Frizington Community Primary School

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01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Important Information for Parents

Important Information for Parents

7 June 2022 (by admin)

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please see below important information:

Club Brochure:

Our Summer 2 Club Brochure is now available to view here and the link to the booking form is within the Brochure.  If your device does not support the links, they can be found on our website:  Our School/Breakfast and After School Clubs/Club Brochures.

Clubs start next week and run for 5 weeks.  When booked, it is expected that your child/children are committed and attend all sessions.

This week we have an additional games (tonight) and running club (Thu) which were owed from last half-term.

Sport’s Day:

Our Sport’s Day is due to be held on Thursday 16th June at 1:30, weather permitting.  This is open to parents and family members.  If we are unable to hold due to the weather, we will hold it on Friday 1st July.  More details to follow.

Y5/6 York Residential 2023:

For our current Year 4/5 pupils we are planning the residential to York.  To ensure that we book appropriate accommodation, could we ask all Y4/5 parents/carers to complete the expression of interest form here by Midday this Friday.

School Meals Price Increase:

We are still in negotiations with Orian our School meals provider regarding the proposed meal cost increase.  This has now been passed on to CCC legal services and we will continue to keep you updated.

Y3/4 Open Afternoon:

Just a reminder that this Thursday (9th) is the Y3/4 parent/carer Open Afternoon.  Please note the changed time of 2:45pm as to what was previously shared.  This is only for parent/carers please, and not younger/older siblings.

Any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch

Mrs Rose