Class arrangements from September and some reminders about upcoming Open Afternoons/Class Assemblies30 June 2022 (by admin) |
Dear Parent/Carer
Please see attached letter regarding class arrangements for September ( If your device does not support this, there is a copy available to view on the School website.
I would also like to remind you about the following Open Afternoons / Class Assemblies as follows:
- Miss Horner's class (Rec/Y1) will be having their Open Afternoon on Thursday 7th July at 2.45 pm;
- Year 1 / 2 Class (Miss Hope and Mrs Webb's class) will be having their Class Assembly on Wednesday 13th July at 9.10 am;
- Year 5/6 will be having their Open Afternoon on Thursday 14th July at 2.30 pm.
All other dates / information were detailed in the recent newsletter which is on the School website.
Kind regards
Mrs Rose
Head Teacher
Mrs Rose
Head Teacher