UPDATES - 18/07/2218 July 2022 (by admin) |
Dear Parent/Carer
Due to the hot weather tomorrow, the Year 6’s will NOT be going down to the Church in the afternoon.
Please can you send your child in with a carrier bag tomorrow so that they can bring their School books home this week.
Just a reminder about the parent questionnaire - if you haven’t already completed the questionnaire, this can be accessed at: https://forms.office.com/r/TVRSw9Lz9q#
We have been informed that school clothing grants have recently been increased to £50 for primary children and £100 for secondary children. To access these clothing grants, families must apply for free school meals. All details and the online application form can be found at https://cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/freeschoolmeals.asp
Kind regards
Mrs Rose