Frizington Community Primary School

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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Year 3/4
  3. U-Dance and change of dates for Open Pm and Parents' Residential Meeting

U-Dance and change of dates for Open Pm and Parents' Residential Meeting

7 March 2023 (by admin)

Dear Parent / Carer

Due to the intended strike next Thursday 16th March, we have decided to re-schedule our Open Afternoon and Parents' Residential Meeting to the following Thursday 23rd March (2.40 pm for the Open Afternoon and 3.20 pm for the Parents' Residential meeting).

Clarification for information about U-Dance on Friday is as follows:

  • Blue t-shirt, black leggings need to be sent into School before Friday please;
  • Children will be eating lunch BEFORE they go to the Sands Centre so will need only a packed tea (even children on free school meals please);
  • We will be in Group 3 for dismissal at the end of the Show from the Stage Door;
  • We have received word of one available ticket if you have not managed to purchase any.  Please speak to Miss Ellwood;
  • If your child is going home with someone else, please can you inform School asap.

Kind regards

Miss Ellwood