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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Reminder about strike days and Year 1 Phonics Screen Test meeting

Reminder about strike days and Year 1 Phonics Screen Test meeting

24 April 2023 (by admin)

Dear Parent


Just a reminder for Year 1 parents - that there is a Phonics Screening Test meeting tomorrow morning at 9am just after drop-off. 

STRIKE DAYS (27/04/23 and 02/05/23):

A reminder for parents to complete the childcare booking form HERE for the upcoming strike days by midday tomorrow please.  If your device does not support this link, you can access the information from the School website: parent-information/letters-1/summer-term-2023

Also, any requests for free school meal children need to be sent to the School Office by midday tomorrow please.

Kind regards

Mrs Rose