Frizington Community Primary School

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Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Important information and reminders about dates

Important information and reminders about dates

5 October 2023 (by admin)

Dear Parent / Carer

 Important Information and Reminders

 Open Afternoon – Stay and Play Session:

  1. For children born between 01/09/2019 and 31/08/2020 who are due to start primary school next September, we are offering a Stay and Play Session.  To book your place, please contact the School Office or complete the booking form on our website.  There will be 3 sessions available:  15 pm to 2.00 pm; 2.15 pm to 3.00 pm or 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm.


  1. Early Years’ Reminders:
    Reception parents’ Maths meeting is being held at School on Monday 9th October at 3.15 pm and the Reception Open Afternoon is taking place on Tuesday 17th October at 2.45 pm (only one parent per child and no siblings please due to capacity).


  1. Individual / Family Photographs:
    The photographer is coming in to take individual / family photographs on the morning of Wednesday 11th October (families from 8.30 am to come to the front door please).


  1. Year 5/6 Trip to Harrington Nature Reserve:
    The Year 5/6’s will be visiting Harrington Nature Reserve on the morning of the 12th October – back in time for lunch.  We are looking for a parent volunteer to accompany us – please let School know if you are able to help.


  1. Year 5/6 Football Event for 10 pupils:
    This event is taking place at Cleator Moor Astroturf on Thursday 19th October (leaving School at 1.10 pm) – we are looking for a parent volunteer if anyone can help please?


  1. Friday 20th October - Year 1 / 2 Open Afternoon:
    The Year 1 / 2 classes (Miss Hope and Mrs Webb’s classes) will be holding their Open afternoon at 2.30 pm (again, only one parent per child please and no siblings).


Kind regards


Mrs Rose