Reminders about the rest of this week - including tomorrow's Colour Run information16 July 2024 (by admin) |
Dear Parent / Carer
Please see the following information regarding forthcoming events/dates:
- Colour Run – tomorrow - Wednesday 17th July at 3.00 pm: Adult volunteers to be on the School field for 2.30 pm please; spectators to arrive for 2.45 pm. Children will be returning back to School after the event to be collected by parents from their exit points – please note that children cannot be collected from the field. Any t-shirts / sunglasses purchased will be handed out during School tomorrow prior to the event. If you have not purchased a Colour Run t-shirt, please can you ensure your child brings in a white / light coloured t-shirt to wear during the Colour Run event. All sponsor money / sponsor forms need to be handed in tomorrow please. For those children not participating in the Colour Run, they will still need their PE kit please as they will be taking part in School games.
- Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly – Thursday 18th July at 2.45 pm: For Year 6 parent / carers only – two adults per child and no siblings please.
- Leavers’ Disco – Thursday 18th July at 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm: Tickets are still available from the School Office (£2 each - free to Year 6’s). Payment can also be made via the School Hub. Any KS2 children walking home after the disco will need a note please. Year 6 pupils need to return to School for 4.00 pm please on Thursday afternoon as they have their Leavers’ Party before the disco.
- Friday 19th July (last day): School will close at 1.15 pm. All KS1 children must be collected. If any KS2 children are walking home, they must have a permission note to walk home please. Year 6 children can wear their Leavers’ hoodies on the last day of term. Den will not be available on the last day.
- Carrier Bag for your child’s end of year books: Please can you send a carrier bag into School before the end of the week so that children can take their end of year books home.
- Parents’ Questionnaires: Reminder - please can you complete the parent questionnaires by no later than 19th July – here is the link to access the form: (this is also available on our School website under parent information). There was a QR code on the parents’ letter previously sent out which you can still access. Unfortunately, at the moment, we have only received 7 completed questionnaires, out of a possible 125 parents. Your views are extremely important to us as a School and are used for our planning process.
Kind regards
Mrs Rose