Frizington Community Primary School

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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Important information on upcoming dates / events

Important information on upcoming dates / events

24 October 2024 (by admin)

Dear Parent / Carer

Here are a few important notices / dates coming up:

  • Poppy Appeal: We will be selling poppies in School week commencing 4th November for the Poppy Appeal.  There will also be other items on sale, including zip pulls (50p), wristbands (£1), reflectors (50p) and snap bands (£1.50).
  • Remembrance Sunday Service: There will be a Remembrance Service held in School on Sunday 10th November from 1.30 pm for the community which has been organised by the Frizington & Arlecdon Parish Council – all welcome.
  • Photographs: Tempest Photography have confirmed that parents have up to 28/10/24 to place their orders online to take advantage of free delivery to School.
  • Reception pupils – Snack money: Payment for Reception snack money for the second half of the autumn term is now available on the School Hub for parents to pay (£10.50 for the seven week term).
  • Fruit money for Year 1 to Year 6 children: Payment for snack money for Year 1 to Year 6 children for next half term is also on the School Hub (£5.25).
  • The After School Club brochure will be sent out electronically as usual week beginning 4th November and clubs will commence on Monday 11th November.  Bookings need to be made and paid via the School Hub.  Confirmation of places will be sent out by the Jotter app as usual.
  • Year 5 swimming: This commences on Monday 4th November in the afternoon for five weeks. We have a parent volunteer, thank you.
  • October half-term: We break up tomorrow for one week and return on Monday 4th November.


Have a lovely, safe half-term week.


Kind regards


Mrs Rose