Dear Parent / Carer
Here is some important information about dates / events coming up:
- KS2: Theatre by the Lake trip – Just a reminder that the first non-refundable deposit for the KS2 trip is due today (to be paid via the School Hub please). The final remaining balance will be £10. If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium funding, then the final payment will be £5. Final payment will need to be made by no later than 2nd December please.
- KS2 Google Legend Assembly being held tomorrow (Friday 14th November) – photo consent: There are still a lot of children that have not returned their photo/video consent form for tomorrow’s Google Legend event. If you haven’t yet returned the form, please can you send it in asap.
- Whole School – Times Table Rock Star Dress-Up Day: This is a reminder that we are holding our Dress-Up Day on Monday 18th November – all children can come to School dressed as Rock Stars. The School Council are asking for £1 donation per child please to go towards our outdoor area.
- Reception visit to the Fire Station – The Reception class are visiting Frizington Fire Station on Wednesday 20th November at 10.00 am until 11.00 am. We are looking for one more parent volunteer to accompany the children please. If you are able to help, please let us know asap.
- Year 3 / 4 Residential: The 2nd instalment of £40 is due via the School Hub today please.
- Year 4 Multi-sport Event on Friday 22nd November – please can the consent forms be returned asap for next Friday’s Year 4 sporting event (no cost).
- Year 5/6 Open Afternoon – This is being held on Thursday 21st November at 2.30 pm. Only one adult per child please and no siblings.
Kind regards
Mrs Rose
Head Teacher